Cruise Ships: Deputy performs dramatic rescue of jet skiers in path of cruise ship - Honolulu, Hawaii news, sports & weather ... - KITV Honolulu


Friday, March 24, 2017

Deputy performs dramatic rescue of jet skiers in path of cruise ship - Honolulu, Hawaii news, sports & weather ... - KITV Honolulu

Deputy performs dramatic rescue of jet skiers in path of cruise ship - Honolulu, Hawaii news, sports & weather ... - KITV Honolulu

Deputy performs dramatic rescue of jet skiers in path of cruise ship - Honolulu, Hawaii news, sports & weather ...
KITV Honolulu
(CNN) -- College students Skylar Pentasuglia and Allison Garrett screamed in panic and swam for their lives as a 130,000-ton cruise ship bore down on them and their capsized jet ski. "I was literally screaming, 'What are we going to do?'" Pentasuglia ...

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