Cruise Ships: Carnival's Princess Cruises to pay record fine for pollution, cover-up - CBS News


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Carnival's Princess Cruises to pay record fine for pollution, cover-up - CBS News

Carnival's Princess Cruises to pay record fine for pollution, cover-up - CBS News

CBS News

Carnival's Princess Cruises to pay record fine for pollution, cover-up
CBS News
“There was a campaign of obstruction in an effort to hide the deliberate pollution of our seas with oily waste,” Ferrer said. Cruise ships store so-called “bilge water” -- a mixture of water, oil and other chemicals below deck. They're required to ...
Princess Cruise Lines to Pay $40 Million Fine for Illegal DumpingNew York Times
Carnival Corp ship caught in pollution scheme. Now they're paying $40 million for itMiami Herald
Teenager daredevil risks death by dangling from Carnival Liberty cruise ship in crazy stunt at -Daily Mail -Huffington Post -US Department of Justice
all 153 news articles »

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